Sexy Cosplay Photo Gallery

Like it or not, costume play attracts more and more people to join in nowadays. Participants are fond of imitating their favorite anime or movie characters and bringing the imaginary world to reality. In such a period when people usually show special appetites on most matters and look forward to making some differences after a long-term busy commuting, the arrival of costume play absolutely excites most people' s mood. They make appearances that are obviously different with their own fashion styles. Through those eccentric, fearful, lovely or sexy looks, anime lovers experience something different and live their life to the fullest.


The whole costume is made of tricot. To make the cape stiff I had two layer tricot and in between I had thicker fabric. The cape was a real pain to make...
The pants, the shirt and the two waistbelts is attached together as one part, much like an overall with a zipper in the back.
The wig was pretty hard to get as I wished, I think it's almost like 1kg hairspray in it and believe me when I say it; it stinks! D:
I made the sword for the first Kratos-costume and in total the sword took almost 2 years to complete. But to be honest I didn't work on it everyday so...
One mistake was that I could've sewn the belts a bit shorter since when I didn't have the extra leatherbelt beneath the costume to hold the sword they hang very much and it looked like I had a beergut...not so charming >.<
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