So first, I just want to mention that there are previews up off all the WoW tier 10 armour (except the Shaman, as of when I wrote this), and they are totally sweet. Very helm-centric, which is pretty awesome, because the Ulduar sets weren't so much like that. You can check them out here. Great costume ideas :< Too many things...
For Halloween this year, I decided to make a Codex (from The Guild) costume, which is what the photo is of. I apologize for the quality of the photo and my lack of a decent face or pose; no one had a camera, so we had to do the cell phone thing.
I only had about two weeks, so it came together pretty well, all things considered. Almost everything came out the way I wanted it to. Overall, I would say the quality is about 80% of what I usually try to do for a convention, especially witht he staff, but it actually still looks pretty freakin good, in my opinion ^_^ The biggest problems I had, which I can actually work on, were:
- The skirt. I couldn't finish it in time for the party I was going to, because I had a few problems, so I picked up (what I thought was) a plain white skirt at the thrift store on my way over. It turned out to be a SKORT. Oh, god. That would have been okay, especially because it was amazingly windy that night, but it was the kind with only the front part made to look like a skirt! Who came up with that idea, anyway? It's fine to have shorts disguised as a skirt, but only covering the front isn't fooling anyone. But at any rate, I thought it looked pretty good still (at least from the front >_>), at least for the purposes of a party.
- The stupid corset! I had a great pattern that was almost exactly the same as the one Felicia wears in the video, and when I made it, it was huge! I'm going to have to try to make it smaller ._. How annoying. Even after I added velcro so that it would overlap one of the sections, it was still too big.
One of the things I was quite proud of was the necklace, which was cobbled together with a thrift store necklace, square(ish) buttons, stick-on gems, and hot glue. From a distance especially, it looked almost just like her necklace.
I'm going to try to get another image or two up, but since I am moving (again) soon, it might not happen.
Next stop, Stormrage! :D